We're here to partner together with you, as parents, and your students as we embark on this journey to help your students not be limited by their learning disabilities. Hear what past and current parents and students are saying about Academy of Innovation:

"Academy of Innovation has been a hidden treasure for us. After many years of trying to make the public school work for our son, we finally realized that no matter how many accommodations they gave him, they could not provide adequate services for a child with dyslexia and dyscalculia. We were fortunate to find AOI in March of 5th grade and decided to move him for the last few months of 5th grade to help with the transition to middle school. They began doing the Wilson Reading System® with him which we continued into the summer. To say the staff is amazing and supportive is an understatement. It was music to my ears last week when my son got in the car and asked me to have him spell any word that I could think of because he now understands how letters work together to form words. This was the same child who struggled with 3 letter spelling words a year ago!  He has a long way to go in spelling “every” word but I have seen enormous progress in not only his reading and writing ability but in his confidence and self-esteem. We love that the only homework he gets is to read, read, read. Unfortunately, we never had the time to just read with all of the other time consuming assignments he would receive in public school. The one thing he really needed as a foundation!!Thank you to everyone at AOI who has supported my son during this time!!"" - Parent

- Student

"I just want to express that my son is so much happier after he started attending your academy a few years ago. It totally changed his personality and confidence in himself. I know there have been some “bumps in the road” but I want to express my extreme appreciation for what you are doing for him and all the other students. You changed his life in an extreme way!!!! I know you work tirelessly and probably get little gratitude; I can’t express my gratitude enough." - Parent

"Academy of Innovation is a school that I love! I love this school! You might love it too!" - Student

"Thank you for helping my daughter to enjoy school and not just muddle through.  I am thankful for the teachers that you have placed in my daughter’s life and for their genuine interest in my daughter’s life.  As we consider what we will do for next school season, I will reflect on the fact that I know my daughter feels both safe and uplifted at AOI, as well as her new found love for learning and resulting grades." - Parent